
Name, Address

Weber | Recht & Steuern
Konstantin Weber Rechtsanwalt und
Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht

Hußstraße 6
D-76275 Ettlingen, Germany

phone: + 49 (0) 7243 364 7371
fax:  + 49 (0) 7243 364 7971


Inspecting authority:

Rechtsanwaltskammer Karlsruhe
Reinhold-Frank-Str. 72
76133 Karlsruhe
Telefon: +49 (0)721 25340
Telefax: +49 (0)721 26627


Job title:

Konstantin Weber was admitted to legal profession and as an attorney at law by the Karlsruhe Chamber of Lawyers in the Federal Republic of Germany. He is authorized to use the professional title “Rechtsanwalt” (Attorney at Law).

Konstantin Weber has been authorized by the Karlsruhe Chamber of Lawyers to use the title „Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht“ (Specialist Attorney at Law for Tax Law).

Professional regulations
for lawyers:

The following professional regulations apply in particular:

Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO)

Berufsordnung (BORA)

Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO)

Berufsregeln der Rechtsanwälte der Europäischen Union (CCBE-Berufsregeln)

Gesetz über die Tätigkeit der europäischen Rechtsanwälte in Deutschland (EuRAG)

Gesetz über die Vergütung der Rechtsanwältinnen und Rechtsanwälte (RVG)

Bundesgebührenordnung (BRAGO)

All professional regulations for lawyers can be viewed on the homepage of the German Federal Bar Association at under “Berufsrecht” and “Gebühren und Honorare”.

All professional regulations for lawyers can also be viewed on the website of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection at

VAT Identification Number:


Professional liability:

R+V Allgemeine Versicherung AG
Raiffeisenplatz 1
65189 Wiesbaden

Spatial scope of application:

The insurance cover applies throughout the EU and the states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area.

The insurance cover does not apply to liability claims in connection with advice and employment in non-European law or with activities or claims before non-European courts.

Person responsible for content:

Konstantin Weber

Media design and implementation of web presence:

Axel Schilling

Legal disclaimer:

The contents of our pages have been created with the greatest care. We assume no liability for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the contents. We also assume no liability for the contents of external links. The operators of these pages are solely responsible for the content of the linked pages.

Data protection:

We only collect, use and process personal data if this is permitted by the relevant data protection regulations or if the user has consented to the collection, use and processing of his or her personal data.

Picture credits:

Goodbild Bilder-Shop

Indication of the foreign copyright:

The rights to the image on our Contact page under the heading “Contact ” are owned by Google ( 2014